311/ CRMS | Citizen Request Management System for e-Government
  • Creative and Strong

    Finally a strong web 2.0 system for local Government. Now City Staff can organize their daily work with the intelligent built-in workflow. Easy to use and learn for city staff members.

    With strong customization which can cover every need of City now and in the future. 

  • Unique and Elegant

    Unique design and nice looking web application. Our designers have taken all proposals from our clients and in the new version 4 of CRMS, it have moved ahead competition.

    Single click to do a job either to read, close or reassign a case to another staff or department. 

  • e-Gov Ready

    Convert your Municipality to a e-Gov ready organization. Select a system that works for several years in various Public Sector agencies with great success.

    Offer today services others might offer towards their citizens after many years. Use our experience with Local Government e-Citizen systems.

  • Citizen Friendly

    Open 365x7x24 web office to minimize citizen's physical presense for solving community issues. Easy to use from non tech users.

    Citizens can open a case for any of the available options in city 311CRM portal and watch at any time the process till it closes.

  • Citizen Service

    When a case is opened automatically the citizen can track at any time what steps are taken from the Municipality staff. 

    Citizens can send at any time more info in the same case to help personnel. The CRMS system has been built with the thought of Citizen service as it's main task.

  • No more Queues

    When having such a powerful system available, the result is the end of bureaucracy. There is no need for physical presence of the citizen to apply for any issue.

    People do not spend their valuable time to apply and staff has more time to organize and solve citizen's issues with hierarchical priority. All cases are handled from experienced staff members.
  • Advanced Workflow

    The magic behind the CRMS is that it automatically assigns the tickets to the departments that can handle them. No more traffic between departments for wrong assignments. 

    The system does this automatically. All internal communication is written and is available for statistics purpose and citizen's satisfaction reports.